Planned Giving » Planned Giving

Planned Giving


Have you ever wished you were in a position to do something significant for North, yet questioned your ability to do so, at least right now?

When you consider that your stewardship of God’s blessings in your life is an integral part of our Christian lifestyle, you might realize a greater capacity to support the important institutions in your life, like North. There are advantageous gifts that can be made to North as the result of a conscientious plan to make the best possible use of your resources. 



Sound financial planning is usually an adjunct of an even broader strategy, namely, your estate planning. The keystone to an estate plan is usually a will or for many folks, a revocable living trust. Often we hear folks confuse having a will with having tremendous wealth.  There is of course, no correlation. Your will contains your most personal and strongly held feelings as expressed in the disposition of your worldly possessions, however valuable or meager they might be.  The key is that you have taken the time to acknowledge the Lord’s generosity to you during your life on earth through the thoughtful distribution of your assets to the people, places and causes that have been important during your life.  We hope that you will commit to such planning- or to updating an existing plan- and to including North in your will.


Commitments At No Immediate “Cost”

If you want to help North in a significant way, but worry that due to current or potential, obligations you can’t make an outright gift now, two opportunities are:

1) To name North as a beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan, IRA, life insurance, or commercial annuity, and

2) To make a gift to North in your will/living trust. 

In this manner, you can determine in what form and how much your future gift will be, without restricting any assets immediately.  Of course, you can change beneficiary designations and the terms of your will/trust as needed.


A Gift To North Through Beneficiary Designation

These days, to name North as a beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan, IRA, life insurance, or commercial annuity, simply requires you to go into your on-line account for any of these assets and update the beneficiary designation portion of your account. Your plan administrator or insurance agent can also make these changes for you.

Please use the official name and location of North:

North Catholic High School 

1617 State Route 228

Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania 16066


Click HERE to see Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!) about the benefits to you and your heirs of using retirement assets to make a gift to North.


A Gift To North From Your Will Or Trust

To leave your lasting mark at North, you can direct a gift from your will or living trust. A bequest or distribution provision can be made of a specific amount or a percentage of the assets of your estate or trust.   

Another popular method is a provision naming the school as the beneficiary of the "residue" of your estate. After all of your specific intentions to your family members, friends and other people important to you are fulfilled, the residue is directed to North, without diminishing any of your provisions for others.

Click HERE to see Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!) about making a gift through your will or living trust.


How To Proceed

Your estate planning deserves the attention of an experienced estate-planning lawyer.  S/he will ensure your will takes full advantage of the latest planning techniques available, in order to meet your objectives in the most “tax-advantageous” manner possible.

To expedite the process in the case of a bequest for North (and reduce your lawyer’s bill-able hours!) we offer this suggested language for a bequest provision that can also be adapted for use in a living (revocable) trust document:

 "I give, devise and bequeath to North Catholic High School, a non-profit educational corporation, located at 1617 State Route 228, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 16066 (the sum of $________ ) or (_____ percent of my residuary estate) or (the following described property _______________), to be used for (general purposes) or (other restricted use).”



If you decide to make a future provision for North Catholic, in any form, we would like to know.  It will give us a chance to offer an appropriate “thank you” and to help ensure we can meet any specific intentions you might have. Simply complete the enclosed form and mail it in.

These “planned gift” donors will be recognized with membership in the Troy Hill Society of North Catholic.



A perennial objective at North is to keep our tuition as low as possible. In parallel, we also strive to provide as much financial aid to as many students as possible. On average the school has provided financial assistance to 60% of the student body. Unfortunately grants were only able to meet 48% of the demonstrated need of our students.  To meet this need into the future, to ensure the diversity of North’s student body and to provide a contemporary educational experience, new sources of funding must be developed.

The Troy Hill Society offers special recognition to those alumni and friends who provide the leadership resources - either outright or deferred- to help North continue its Marianist inspired mission and tradition.

 Members are also asked to encourage other alumni and friends to consider increased levels of support and promote the participation of alumni and friends in the programs of the school.

Beyond the personal gratification experienced by such donors, Troy Hill members are:

  • recognized in the annual roster of members in the Fall issue of the North Catholic Annual Report,
  • remembered throughout the year in the Masses and prayers of the North Catholic community,
  • receive a (lapel?) pin acknowledging their membership, and
  • Receive an invitation to the annual President’s Dinner, reviewing the “State of the School.”

The wishes of donors who choose to remain anonymous will be respected.

We thank you for your consideration of special support for North Catholic and encourage you to take the next step to make your intentions a reality.