About Us » Safe Environment

Safe Environment

The Safe Environment Policy was created to take reasonable measures to assure that Church personnel who have regular contact with minors are committed to providing a safe environment for children and youth, are capable of identifying and preventing abuse of children, and have no personal history of behavior that would be a threat to children.

The Safe Environments Policy applies to all Church personnel who have regular contact with minors. Church personnel is defined as all adult persons (those 18 years of age or older), whether clergy, members of consecrated life, or laity, who, as employees or volunteers, act in the name of the Church under the auspices of the Diocese of Pittsburgh or one of its parishes.

Clearances are required for all who serve in ministry, whether or not that ministry directly involves children.  We can help you step-by-step, either in person or over the phone.  To renew, update, or check on the status of your clearances, please Tara Aiello at [email protected]


Victim Assistance Hotline Diocesan toll-free number for abuse response 1-888-808-1235